Tuesday, August 23, 2011


When I was little I was constantly singing. We have countless videos of me singing for the camera; however, a family favorite is my original hit When Santa Claus Was Dead.

Basically, I was this girl:

I didn't realize it was strange until my freshman year of college. I also had no idea how often I did it. It was just a part of me. My roomie informed me that I was rubbing off on her. She had caught herself singing about putting the dishes away. That was when I realized it wasn't normal.

It also happens to be a good way to judge my current outlook on life. If I am singing about everything and nothing at the same time, you can bet that I am feeling comfortable in that moment with where things are.

Having Oli at home gives me someone to sing to. I sing to him about everything! The tune is rarely familiar and it only occasionally rhymes, but it is fun.

I think that singing to yourself is the same as talking to yourself only with more character.


  1. Um...I sing to myself all the time. So does Nathaniel. And I like that we have "more character."
